Wednesday, November 9, 2011


God be in my head, and in my understanding;
God be in my eyes, and in my looking;
God be in my mouth, and in my speaking;
God be in my heart, and in my thinking;
God be at my end, and at my departing.

            I have wanted to create a blog for quite some time, but I just never knew what to blog about!  There are so many situations and things that are going on in my life right now that I could potentially write about.  Then God laid it on my heart that I need to use my gift of writing (I have come to LOVE writing!) and be more open with the world about the things that I am going through in life on a spiritual and intellectual level. 

            Now, some of you may wonder why I choose to put ‘spiritual’ and ‘intellectual’ on the same level.  As I have been growing in both of these areas, I have come to the realization that they go hand in hand.  What is faith if, at the heart of it, you do not know what you really believe?  And how far can you learn if you do not take a leap of faith now and again?  During my time as a theology student at College of St. Benedict, God has been molding and challenging my faith, knowledge, and passions.  I entered this school with a fractured and somewhat blind faith, but then I met people who thoroughly challenged me.  At first, being challenged in what I believed was quite uncomfortable, but then it hit me: the Lord was refining me through the fire (Psalm 66:10), and what a beautiful process it has been!

            This blog is for me just as much as it is for you.  I hope that what I write can be inspirational and thought provoking.  I almost want to apologize for some content that you may not necessary agree with or makes you uneasy, but then I realized, what I am sharing then would not be a challenge if it did not get under your skin once in a while.  Being challenged is healthy in our search to understand our lives and the God we serve.  Feel free to use what I write as an open invitation to discuss and work out things; that is my ultimate desire for people.  God has stirred a passion in me to encourage and engage people in their faith or in their seeking of faith, hence the title of my blog “Faith Seeking Understanding.” I only ask that you read and respond with respect and an open heart.  I also pray that in your own busy and hectic lives you are able to steal away some time to simply be still and bask in the presence of God.  Peace and blessings.

Be still and know that I am God.
-Psalm 46:10


  1. Good for you, Pippa! It's pretty impressive you are taking on a blog with as busy you are. But it will be therapeutic for you too. Looking forward to your thoughts, my little friend.

  2. Thanks Jacci! You are very correct; I find this very therapeutic.
